You Should Sign the Manhattan Declaration-But Be Careful!
/ If you have not read the Manhattan Declaration, I urge you to do so. You can click this link The Manhattan Declaration to download a PDF version to read. It is only nine pages long but well worth reading. Click here to access the web site for more information and to sign the declaration. Click here for a very informative FAQ document.
I urge you to sign the Declaration. However, pray and think through this first. It is very possible that by signing this Declaration you will increase the likelihood of personally, or the institution you represent, becoming the focus of verbal or legal harassment in the future. Remember, what is posted on the Internet can ultimately become public.
Before you sign the Declaration, ask yourself this question, “Am I, by God’s grace, willing to pay a possible personal, family, or ministry price for publically supporting the principles outlined in the Declaration?”
My prayer is that you will prayerfully sign the Declaration. I also encourage you to pass this information on to others.
Finally, I believe you should consider having this document systematically discussed and analyzed in selected high school classes. What a wonderful teaching opportunity—that deals with the Christian mind, heart, and will!