Are you ready for the new normal?
While we do not know with certainty what the long-term impacts of the pandemic will be, we can say with confidence that there will be a new normal that will present unique challenges and opportunities. As Andy Crouch et al., have written in their excellent essay, Leading Beyond the Blizzard: Why Every Organization Is Now a Startup:
We believe every leader and organization — every nonprofit, every church, every school, every business — should be planning for scenarios that include years-long disruption. Almost all of us are in a new business. From today onward, most leaders must recognize that the business they were in no longer exists. This applies not just to for profit businesses, but to nonprofits and even in certain important respects to churches …
Even if we can return to something like the “normalcy” of 2019, but with our programs and services, business playbooks, and even our relationships purified by creative scrutiny, our organizations will be far stronger … (emphasis added)
Responsible leaders have no choice, today, but to assume that the winter is upon us, and an ice age of unknown duration is before us. We are playing a game no one now living has ever played before. We are, for reasons only God knows, on the front line, on the starting team. Let us act boldly, today, to build as best we can, for the love of our neighbor and the glory of God.
Unique and difficult challenges await us in the new school year. Unique opportunities also await us. We have an unprecedented opportunity to use this crisis for good by accomplishing what one head of school said "under normal circumstances would have taken three years and $150,000 in consulting fees to accomplish.”
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