I will say, for most leaders, asking for money is one of the most challenging things that they do.
I will not say that, for most leaders, this becomes easier over time because I don’t think it ever does.
If you are focused on asking well… If you are focused on honoring God with your words … If you are focused on honoring the resources and the work that someone does to actually create wealth and the resources to give.
It should be challenging, and it’s okay for it to be challenging.
If you are worried about being awkward, about how you come across, or if you are coming across looking like you are just after someone’s money, or making the relationship all about money, here is my encouragement to you: The sheer fact you want to not come across as pushy or obnoxious means YOU ARE NOT.
Sensitivity to how you come across is a good thing; it’s a guard on your heart. It is actually something that will help you be who you want to be, which is more of yourself, authentic, and clear that this is about leadership, and, about the fact that you have a plan, you are moving forward with that plan, and giving is what fuels that plan to go forward.
You have three questions to answer for givers whenever you ask for money:
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