THE GLOBAL SCHOOLHOUSE:Cultivating Inquiry Across the Curriculum

The voices of religious minority groups in America are getting louder. The needs of impoverished and war-torn people in many countries are increasing, not decreasing. Also pressing in are the morals involved in conducting business globally, the ethics of medical research and eradication of disease, and the need for relevance in effective communication across cultures. Worldwide, and in our own communities, as some boundaries and walls are coming down, others are going up.

How do we prepare our students to understand and engage people, cultures, and contexts? How do we address the diverse voices of the interfaith world? What do we mean when we tell our students that Christianity is unique and true? To authentically teach and learn as Christians in today’s world, we must not fear the hard questions that lead to critical inquiry, but persistently ask them and seek answers.

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EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed

From the web site:


Ben Stein, in the new film EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed


His heroic and, at times, shocking journey confronting the world’s top scientists, educators and philosophers, regarding the persecution of the many by an elite few.


Coming to a theater near you on April 18, 2008


Ben travels the world on his quest, and learns an awe-inspiring truth…that bewilders him, then angers him…and then spurs him to action!


Ben realizes that he has been “Expelled,” and that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure and even fired – for the “crime” of merely believing that there might be evidence of “design” in nature, and that perhaps life is not just the result of accidental, random chance.

To which Ben Says: "Enough!" And then gets busy. NOBODY messes with Ben.